Meet our Team


Leticia Soares has taught at Kheiron Healer School since 2004. An expert in human nature and Naturopathy for women, children, and persons with disabilities. She also writes and teaches about digital communications, education, human rights, climate change, and economics.

Published books:

Natural healing, Vitality is a superpower, Cure and its roots

Ms. Stein

Ms. Stein, the Principal, is a Kheiron Alumni and has been working with public communications since 2009. With a PhD in Oxford University, she has been making excellent workshops with the intentional incorporation of the cultures in the University, allowing all students from 61 nationalities to work together and enjoy the KHU environment.

Published books:

Run your Communication to the next level, Living in a diverse community: how to deal with differences


Larissa Garcez has taught Greek Astrology at Kheiron University since 2010. Graduated from the Northern University of Arizona, close to the Lowell Observatory, she also has a diploma from FAS, Faculty of Astrological Studies, situated in London. Passionate about Greek history, stars, the universe and human - especially women- rights, Larissa brings important discussions about life and how the sky may influence it.

Published books:

Life among the Stars, The astrology behind the Greek Society


Mr. José Joaquim Penha has taught Arkhitekton classes at Kheiron University since 2012. With a Master’s Degree from the University of Barcelona, he is the head of Kheiron’s futuristic projects, including the Quíron statue, made when he was a sophomore at KHU. Passionate about drawing a soul and personality for his designs, he makes interactive classes allowing the students to develop self-awareness and proactivity to bring their plans into reality.

Published books:

Design Thinking: the art of expression Creativity will change your way of living The connection among the 21st century


Vinicius Santos Costa has taught Astromeleti at Kheiron University since 2008. Graduated from University of Michigan, passionate about education, writing and the universe, his mission is to make his students understand and value the universe, to inspire them to take care of it.

Published books:

Astromeleti: The oldest science, Universe: Our origins, Humankind: How can we make a difference?



Victor Nadu was accepted into Kheíron University after winning the Strategy Scholarship for programming a complete simulated map of the university's campus. He is currently a senior and one of the official web developers of the university, often participating in projects to transcribe the experience of looking at stars into the digital world.

Published books:

Virtual Astronomy, Cyber Arkhitekton, The Complete Javascript Manual for Strategic Mapping


João Sales was accepted into the university after solving a mythical puzzle through out programming that was never solved before. Later, he was granted the Puzzle Scholarship and became a web developer for the university, just as he turned into a big data scientist to aid in the research of ancient healing techniques.

Published books:

Computational Healing, From Novice to Centaur in Javascript, Python for Logic Solving


Stephannye Teixeira was admitted to Kheíron University and received the Academics Scholarship after obtaining a full score in the SAT Subjects of Greek Mythology. She became interested in arts and designed a training camp for the students.

Published books:

Mindset of a Designer in Training: Areas of Creativity, The Mental Design of a Centaur